Insomnia Insanity

I had good intentions of getting a great night of sleep last night. I snuggled into my most wonderful Tempurpedic bed at 9:30, with book (The Help) in hand. Within a half hour I was asleep, but that lasted all of about 45 minutes. From then on I was up. I never have problems sleeping but the last two nights I have slept terribly.

Being that I am an eight hours of sleep to function kind of gal, I was in rough shape today. I felt awful and actually had to call in to work which I just don’t do. It makes me really feel for those people out there who actually suffer from insomnia. That would be very difficult and I can only imagine.

Okay, so as I was awake all night. I tried reading my book again, thinking random thoughts, and watching infomercials. I am VERY intrigued by one I saw. It is a workout series called “Insanity.” It is a 60 day at-home workout and you don’t need ANY equipment, just your own body weight. However it’s roughly $120.00 (maybe more?), so if I would need to be very sure that it was something that I was going to stick with (and I would possibly suspend my gym membership).  Something for me to ponder.


During my day I laid low…

I read my book, tried to nap but just ended up resting, watched Rachael Ray (love her), and ate a quick but delicious lunch. Shredded chicken with buffalo sauce in a La Tortilla Factory tortilla smeared with a laughing cow wedge. Unfortunately I had to go skimpy on the buffalo sauce because we ran out. Frank’s (Buffalo) Hot Sauce—“I put that $#@* on everything!” Anyone else hear that commercial a million times? Or is it just me. If so, it’s not funny to you at all.

I will continue to rest on my laurels and then go to bed early tonight. I hope to be up and running tomorrow.

Have a great night everyone!


Question to you all: Has anyone tried Insanity or know anyone who has? What have they thought about it? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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