My To-Do List

Oh well hello!

I can’t believe how fast time goes by without me saying ‘hey’ to you all on here! When people say life gets busy once kids are involved, they aren’t kidding. I LOVE it, I just haven’t been very motivated to write on the ol’ blog.

As far as recipe sharing goes, I don’t have much to offer. I’ve been pretty lame with our meals. Besides that, if I do make something completely delicious, I never write down the ingredients! I’m hoping as time marches on, I will be able to get back into that again.

from scratch

My little sweet man is now six months old. WHAT?! How did that happen! He is very interested in food and I am offering a mix of the “baby led weaning” route and offering solid foods as well as offering soft foods like ground oatmeal with breastmilk and applesauce. His #1 is still breastmilk and this mama is very proud of it. I worked darn hard to make that happen.

He is now sitting up on his own. He loves going for runs and walks in his stroller, blowing bubbles, swimming, standing (with our help of course), giggling, sticking his tongue out, jumping, putting his toes in his mouth. He is a joy!


The purpose of this post is for me to put together a list of to-do items I want to tackle at one point or another! These are not my typical daily items to-do items like fold the laundry, get the diaper bag ready for daycare, etc. These are fun ones; some that need to happen very soon, others that can wait.

I want to make:

1. Homemade sunscreen with carrot seed oil! I’m planning on using this recipe I think…

2. More bibs! I have really been into making baby bibs. They are super easy and I have been up-cycling old t-shirts!

3. Lavender lemon sugar hand scrub! Yum!

4. These chicken bombs!

chicken bombs

5. A hair appointment. K this list is kind of random but my hair is getting very long! Most days I end up putting it back in a bun or a braid because someone’s little paws like to pull all my hairs out! I want to keep it long but I do need a little trim.


6. Sign up for a race! I’m thinking a 10k.

Lastly, I Need To…

7. Start packing! We are MOVING! We bought a new house and will be building just about 15 minutes from where we are now! Our new home will be built by the fall so we will be living with family for the summer! We are VERY excited!

That’s it for now. That’s a hefty list given that I’m lucky to get a shower in on most days. 😉

I’ll leave you with this…



I hope you are all well!

What are some of your FUN To-Do DIY projects??!

Continue Reading My To-Do List

How to Make State Canvas Art

A lovely friend of mine wanted me to share how I made this little beauty…

minnesota state art

And I’m not about to let her down, so here it goes!

How to Make Canvas State Art:

1. I went to the craft store and bought:

  • A white canvas: choose whatever size works best for your space
  • A piece of heavier duty gold glitter paper
  • Navy blue spray paint
  • Red puffy paint
  • Super glue

2. At home, I sprayed the canvas (outside) covering the surface completely. I let it dry and did a second coat. Again, let dry.

3. Meanwhile, google your state and print out it’s shape. I had to copy and paste mine into a word document and then enlarge it to get the size I wanted. Once printed, carefully cut out the paper state.

4. Lay the cut out state onto the backside of your glitter paper (making sure that the state will be the correct way, glitter side up once cut out; this means the state needs to be backwards when traced on the back of the glitter paper. Think about it). Use a pencil to trace the state. Carefully cut it out.

5. Once canvas is completely dried, carefully super glue the glitter state onto the center of the canvas.

6. Use puffy paint to draw a heart where your home city lies!

7. Hang art where you desire and enjoy!

Imperfections are not a big deal! They give the art more character. 😉


Continue Reading How to Make State Canvas Art

Bridal Shower and Baby Room Crafts

Hey! Did this weekend even happen? It flew by so fast holy cow!

I thought I’d catch you up from some of my weekend events because it was seriously a GREAT weekend.

I had burgers two nights in a row, so that’s always good (says the baby). Plus, I manned the grill one of the nights! The other night Dana and I went out to Lucky’s 13 and I had an amazing burger with caramelized onions, peppadews, cheese, and bacon. So good!


In case you are wondering I spread a laughing cow cheese wedge on the bottom bun. I WILL be doing that again.

I finished the paintings for one wall of the nursery. Those will be hung on the wall of course and not sitting on the crib ledge. 😉 I think these are going to look adorable in there! Plus I painted them myself, so the little one will hopefully appreciate that some day. Maybe.

baby room decorations


On Saturday, Dana and I went for a walk around the lake and I melted from the heat. This internal furnace has me real hot these days, and it didn’t help that it was 85 degrees and humid I suppose. 🙂 I was still happy to have gotten out for a walk but I was spent afterwards.

The rest of the weekend was dedicated to my future sister-in-law’s bridal shower. My oldest brother, Scott is getting married next month, and mom and I wanted to host one of her showers for her.

Here are some pics from the party!

scott and nicole bridal shower flowers bridal shower bridal shower banner menu bridal shower bridal shower food bridal shower food


The company, the food, the games….everything was so much fun. But speaking of spent, I could hardly keep my eyes open the rest of afternoon! It was worth it though.

Is anyone else dealing with seasonal allergies right now? I know the weed count is high, and I am wondering if that is what I’m allergic too. I thought it was a cold at first but now I am almost 95% sure it is allergies again. We haven’t gotten rain in a while and I think that is part of the reason they are acting up again.

Anyway! I hope everyone had a FABULOUS weekend! I have lots of fun on the agenda this coming week again. It’s high school reunion time which means friends are flying in from around the country! Can I get a whoop whoop for that?!

Have you ever hosted a bridal or baby shower? Did you enjoy it?

Any allergy sufferers?

Do you go to your high school reunions?

Continue Reading Bridal Shower and Baby Room Crafts

She Sews, She Eats, She Sleeps

Hello, hello!

Just poppin’ in to throw a little Treat Yourself Tuesday your way. Once again, I am linking up with Becky!


Meeting up with my friend Kalley at Whole Foods for lunch on a sunny day!

whole foods lunch

Then going shopping at Home Goods and finding the perfect organizers to go on the shelves of our changing table. I LOVE Home Goods.

storage changing table

Getting crafty with Stacy and making the little one some cute outfits!

An inchworm onesie…

inchworm onesie

And a dinosaur sweatshirt!

dinosaur sweatshirt

I felt so accomplished after sewing these sweet things thanks to the help of my sewing coach!

I must have been in a hurry to eat because this photo is totally blurry, but on Saturday Dana and I shopped for a glider for the baby room  (we found one!) and stopped at a little café for lunch. I had the buffalo chicken wrap and it was gooooood.

buffalo chicken wrap

I also treated myself to a new comforter! I hope I like it in person as much as I do in the picture.


ANNNDDD I treated myself to a few more maternity clothes!

I want to know how you treated yourself this week! Leave a comment and let me know!


Continue Reading She Sews, She Eats, She Sleeps