Five Fun Things Friday

I’m keeping it simple today with a little Five Things Friday! Here are five random things that have either been on my mind lately, made me laugh or made me smile.

1. Today is the official first day of summer!

Happy Summer everyone! I have been loving the warm weather lately. We waited way too long for it this year so we have to soak it up while we have it.


2. Pet Sweep

Animal-powered debris removal system. So funny, yet practical? Let’s give it a test run.

doggy sweep

Intended use:


What really happens:


I don’t really have the Pet Sweep Dust Boots, but I do have dust slippers for humans. Moose really didn’t appreciate the slippers and kicked them of as soon as I snapped this photo, but hey, It was worth a shot. Afterall, he’s the reason we have to vacuum so often around here!

3. Peonies

The peonies are in bloom and it makes me so happy to look out in our backyard and see these pink beauties.


4. Healthy Living Summit 2013

This last week, I officially registered for the Healthy Living Summitย where I will be surrounded by friends, great food, fun activities, and lots of healthy living talk. Last year the summit was held in Boston/Cambridge and this year it is in Minneapolis! It’s not until September but I am already extremely excited!

hls 2012

Here are my recaps from HLS 2012 in case you’re interested:

5. Grandma’s Marathon and Half Marathon

This weekend is Grandma’s Marathon and the Garry Bjorklund half-marathon in Duluth, MN. Good luck to ALL of the runners out there and have fun!

funny pinterest shoes

Happy Friday my friends!!

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Jessie

    Oh my word, those dust boots for dogs crack me up! I can’t decide whether or not it’s straight stupid, or kind of intelligent? Ha Ha!
    Jessie recently posted…Words from a wise womanMy Profile

    1. Melanie

      Agreed. It would be smart if they would keep them on but I highly doubt that would happen! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. AHH that little girl photo about the light-up shoes was SO me when I was 7!! My mom would never buy me them and that is seriously all I wanted in life at that age ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Becky @ Olives n Wine recently posted…Wine That’s Fun!My Profile

    1. Melanie

      Isn’t she the cutest! It’s not too late to get those light up shoes. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Lawrence

    Gott love that summertime feel! We brought in the summer with a BBQ last night ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Lawrence recently posted…High 5 Friday!My Profile

    1. Melanie

      I would love to see ya at HLS but totally understand. Plane tickets definitely aren’t cheap. I feel very lucky that it is in Minneapolis this year!

  4. Katie M

    I’m attending HLS too! I’m thrilled it will be in MN this year, as I’ve wanted to go other years, but I haven’t been able to swing the travel.

    1. Melanie

      Awesome! Hopefully we can meet up!

  5. Sable Weisman (@SquatLikeALady)

    BAHAHAHA. I have seen Eva (my German Shep / Belgian Mal mix) make that same exact face. I imagine that’s the kind of look I’d get if I tried to get her to wear those and clean up her own shedding. Too cute.

    1. Melanie

      It would be pretty amazing though, right?! ๐Ÿ™‚

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