A year ago yesterday, I ran my first half-marathon. I ran it despite battling a colitis flare, and it was a struggle, and it was not an enjoyable run for me, but I finished it and was so incredibly proud.
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a whole year. It’s also hard to believe that I went from running 13.1 miles a year ago, and today my current mileage is fairly non-existent. This is mainly due to the Insanity program taking over my daily workouts, and I’m starting to get bothered by that.
I’ve never been a “good” runner. You know, those people who can get out there any time of day at any point in their lives, and run hard, far, and fast, and feel great. I am not one of those people. I am one of those people who really has to push through every run, who’s tummy needs to be in the right state before a run, who mentally loses focus, who doesn’t run fast, and like most runners, has “good” runs and “bad” runs and worries too much about the bad run days. But one thing I know for sure, is that after every single run, I feel great. Even if it was a terrible run, I am so happy I ran.
I started running back in 2009 to prepare for my first full 5k run, and I will never forget my first bouts of runs. I clearly remember running around my neighborhood for 10 minutes and being thrilled that I ran for 10 whole minutes. I knew I had a long way to go, but friends kept encouraging me to continue adding on time and distance to each run, to not give up, that it will build up over time, and that I will see the progress. And I did. Each time out I added a little more distance and time onto the runs, until eventually I was running for 30 minutes and was ready for my first 5k. I completed my first 5k in 30 plus minutes, and will never forget that first runner’s high. I have been hooked on running and races since then.
A while back, someone asked me if I was a runner. I said ha ha, no I can run but I’m not good at it, so no I’m not a runner. Their response was, “You run, so you’re a runner! It doesn’t matter how fast you go or how many half-marathons or marathons you’ve run. You’re a runner because you get out there and run.” Since then I’ve called myself a runner. Running to the kitchen from the couch doesn’t count btw. 😉
After nearly no running happening over this past month, I finally got back out there on Saturday morning. I was nervous to run for the fear of all of the running progress that I had lost. It was just in late April that I ran a 10k, but having been out of the running scene for over a month now, I was anxious about it.
Everything was in my favor: the weather was cool, the sun was out, my tummy settled, no body aches, all was good. I set out hoping for two miles and ended up running 3.25 because I was feeling so GREAT. Sure I may have been huffing and puffing a little more than I used to, but I still felt great and I was so happy.
Running gives me confidence, it encourages me to soak in the beauty of nature, it enables my mind to wander freely, it relieves stress, and I need more of it in my life again.
As for the Insanity workouts, I am not quite sure yet how I want to continue with those. I have completed month one, but there is still a whole other month to go. I love the changes I saw and felt in my body from the Insanity workouts. I would really like to continue with the workouts but I think I will be completing them on my own schedule now, versus the regimented six days a week program. I know this isn’t ideal but it is what will work for me. It was easy to complete the workouts when it was snowy and cold outside, but now that it is starting to warm up (finally) I really want my workouts to be outside whenever possible. Our summers are way too short around here, and I really want to soak in every second of the beautiful days that I can.
Plus I really miss running.
I am planning on registering for a race sometime in the near future, and will keep you posted on what I decide. It’s time for me to start building up my stamina and seeing my running capabilities again. It is so good for my well-being and I want more of it in my life! Who knows, maybe a half-marathon is in my future again?
I’m so happy that I finally laced up the ol’ running shoes, set my nerves aside and got out there. I’m so lucky that I have the ability to run. I run for those who can’t.
Now, get out there and run!
I think anyone who is able to run absolutely should! I have been having knee problems for over a year now and have not been able to run, as a result. It is SO frustrating! So just the fact that you have the ability to run will hopefully serve as some great motivation! Keep on going! 🙂
cleaneatingveggiegirl recently posted…Butternut Squash Tostadas with Zucchini and Carrot Tostada Shells
That is so discouraging. Are they able to treat the knee problem? Is there any positive outlook for running in the future?
I had knee surgery a year ago and did PT…obviously those didn’t help :(. It is definitely super discouraging!
Hannah @ cleaneatingveggiegirl recently posted…Butternut Squash Tostadas with Zucchini and Carrot Tostada Shells
Keep your head up, hon. Maybe one day you will be able to get out there and run again! Until then, enjoy the lower impact activities with all you’ve got! 🙂
I haven been able to run for just over a month and am so surprised how quickly I lot my running stamina. I have always been a slow runner but after running a half this spring I didn’t think a 1 mile run would feel so hard. I’m so happy for you that your run went well 🙂
Nicole @ FruitnFitness recently posted…shopping and dog parks
It amazes me at how fast we can get that stamina back though if we stick to it!
Love this! In the days leading up to my marathon I thought about taking a break from running for a while after it. The fact that I’ve signed up for three races in June is a pretty good indication I just can’t give up running, it’s way too important to me!
Becki @ Fighting for Wellness recently posted…The Versatile Blogger – Or Is That Just Rambling?
It is so great for mind, body, and spirit! You go girl!
LOVE this post! I also love the photo of the elderly gentleman busting out a run 😉 We should register for a race together – I think the Color Run is coming up!
Becky @ Olives n Wine recently posted…Muesli Fusion Banana-Chocolate Truffles
I would love to do a run with you! Dana and I are debating whether or not to run the Fill Their Plate 10k run on June 15th. We’re going to try running 5 miles this weekend and see how we feel and then decide. Would you be interested? It’s around Calhoun.
Love this post. I am headed out for a run right now!! 🙂
Katie @ running4cupcakes recently posted…Weekend Update: 6/2/13
Yay! Enjoy!
I just started getting into running and it is nice. I haven’t become addicted yet, but we will see what happens lol 🙂
Enjoy the day 🙂
Lawrence recently posted…Weekly Challenge June 6 – Get In Shape with a Deck of Cards