As I had mentioned before I am doing my darndest to continue to reach my fruit and veggie 5-9 servings a day goal throughout the holiday season (and always), and yesterday was no question a good day in that department.
I’ve definitely reused this photo more than once but here was my not so exciting to anyone anymore YET delicious breakfast yesterday!
I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER and BANANAs! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! That is serving #1 on the F/V tally.
One could say I am in a “rut” with breakfast but rut can sometimes sound like a bad thing, and I will never consider PB and banana a bad thing. :smile
An unphotographed Skinny Ho Ho Mint Mocha from Starbucks was thoroughly enjoyed mid-morning; quite possibly the last one of the year for me, but we’ll see.
Lunch was very random. I wasn’t super hungry (probably due to the mocha) so I had a snacky day.
Fruit and Veggie #2: broccoli and hummus
#3 (maybe a little shy of a serving): a handful of carrots
#4: Trader Joe’s dried pears from my stocking…..
#5: An apple
Serving #6 and 7 (and maybe even 8): A seriously outstanding veggie hash. In the mix: kale, asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, leftover scalloped potatoes, black beans, an egg to hold it together a little bit, and cheddar cheese. Seasoned with salt and pepper and garlic powder and OhEmGeee soooo GOOD!
There’s my 5-9 servings for the day! Booya!
It’s a good thing I had a healthy day o’ eats because I have nothing to brag about in the physical activity department. I was completely wiped out and the most activity from my day involved a couple of errands and 5 loads of laundry. That’s okay though, I know I’ll get right back on that activity wagon. Plus, we have our 10K coming up in 5 days! Yaya I’m excited for it!
I hope you all have a fabulous day my friends. Happy Thursday! xoxo
Question of the day: What is your all-time favorite breakfast?
I LOVE peanut butter toast and a banana for breakfast. I could eat it every day and never get tired of it 🙂